The Woman's Journey

Inspiring, Beautiful, Empowering, Amazing

Post Abortion

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If you currently are struggling after the past decision of an abortion, know that there is hope just beyond the horizon.

I offer thorough, compassionate, care and support to help you process your regret and grief following an abortion. I come alongside you and meet you where you are in this journey. Know that you are not alone, 1 in 4 women have had an abortion by age forty-five. Many don't know where or who to go to when they are struggling with the aftermath of an abortion. Feelings of shame, guilt, remorse, anger, and sadness can all begin to take root and cause hopelessness. Don't let those negative feelings weight you down, know that you have hope!

I welcome you as you are, and care to hear from you. I offer Biblical support to help you as you go through your healing process to finding forgiveness and acceptance. I work with you through multiple different sessions at your own pace. Healing can't be rushed, it's a process and I care about walking through this process with you. Whether your abortion was recent or a few years ago, you are worthy to be heard and to find healing. Through the pain, there is healing.

"Through the pain, there is healing. Through the pain, there is hope. You are worthy of the hope and the healing."